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Our company

Tratamientos Terapéuticos

cirugia plastica










gel antibacterial


lesiones deportivas


terapia muscular

cirugía estética


bolsas en tnt


que es la crioterapia

bolsas ecológicas

francisco hurtado

que es crioterapia

industrias fh

empresa copacabana

tapabocas termosellado

empresa antioquia

belleza en frío

bondades del frío

crioterapia para la piel

crioterapia para lesiones

cuidado de tu cuerpo

impresión en calandra

insumos corseteros

tapabocas tres telas

cirugia plastica medellin

adios ojeras

como quitar ojeras

como quitar arrugas

como quitar ojos hinchados

kit de belleza

antifaz para dormir


contraste frio y calor

tratar tendinitis

como quitar dolores musculares

como quitar dolores articulares

tratar lesiones deportivas

discos para senos

como evitar la caida de los senos

tonificar senos

endurecer senos

quitar lineas de expresión

como quitar las ojeras

como prevenir la celulitis

como eliminar grasas de la cola

discos para gluteos

cojin para sentarse

cojin para silla

cojin para silla de ruedas

cojin para oficina

como recudir los poros

como tonificar la piel

tonificar cara

como quitar papada

flacidez en el cuello

protesis de seno

quitar parpados inflamados

transportar insulina

muñeca terapeutica

tratamiento para esguinces

como tratar la tendinitis

como tratar la artritis

faja reductora

faja para perder peso

fajas medellin

poner frio despues de un golpe

poner frio despues de cirugia estetica

como quitar la migraña

como quitar dolor de cabeza

cojin portable

mejorar hinchazon en los pies

quitar pies hinchados

pies hinchados

evitar ojeras

quitar dolor muscular

tonificar busto

tonificar senos

dolor post operatorio

tratar mastitis

endurecer fibra de las mamas

quitar dolor en la cintura

quitar colico mestrual

como quitar colico




tela no tejida

tela tnt


impresion en calandra

copas con realce

copas sin realce

fabrica de ropa interior

espuma de poliuretano

insumos corseteros


realce para gluteos

brisa de verano corseteria



clinica estetica

que es la crioterapia

el frio como terapia

quitar inflamacion


Our mission and vision is practically similar, as we live and enjoy the day as our only future. There are thoughts of human law that we take as a philosophy of life: first think and second to do. We don't stop to watch the time pass.


That's the linchpin of our corporate policy.


Industrias FH has been driven by the tenacity and dreams of its founder, Francisco Javier Hurtado Gallo with the guiding belief that “men are as great as the size of their dreams.”

Under his leadership and a team of dedicated individuals committed to the motto “Believe, Create, Grow,” Industrias FH S.A.S. has achieved a prominent position in the industry, specializing in the manufacturing of products focused on the application of cryotherapy and thermotherapy.

Industrias FH was founded on October 3, 1995, and since then, it has benefited from the drive, vision, and leadership of Francisco Javier Hurtado Gallo. Under his guidance, it has become the only company in the country that offers a broad range of production lines, including cryotherapy, thermotherapy, lingerie, non-woven fabric (TNT), advertising materials, and sublimation.

Brochure 1-min.jpg


Thanks to our dedication and commitment to look forward, we were laureates in different modalities:

  • Innova Innova Innova Innova in the Medium Enterprise Category / 2006

  • Entrepreneurship and Journalistic Method / 2007. First Place by Corporación Entrégate to Colombia and Servientrega Solutions Center.

  • SME Award with The Best Innovative Product.

  • Premio ACOPI IV National Contest of the Colombian SME / 2007.

  • Orden of Democracy Simon Bolivar in the Degree of Commander Cross / 2009.


Esteticista Integral Estetik

Through Facebook

"My patients' favorite brand: sash, mask, discs, pads, etc."


In accordance with the provisions of Decree 2242 of 2015, which regulates the conditions of issuance of electronic invoices, our company, Industrias FH, creates the following form for data update.

In accordance with the provisions of Decree 2242 of 2015, which regulates the conditions of issuance of electronic invoices, our company, Industrias FH, creates the following form for data update.

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